librmb 1.0
Rambunction 4330 Utility Library
No Matches
rmb::LogitechGamepad Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for rmb::LogitechGamepad:


struct  Axes
struct  Buttons

Public Member Functions

 LogitechGamepad (int channel, double deadZone=0.0, bool squareOutputs=false)
double GetLeftX () const
frc2::Trigger LeftXLessThan (double threshold) const
frc2::Trigger LeftXGreaterThan (double threshold) const
double GetLeftY () const
frc2::Trigger LeftYLessThan (double threshold) const
frc2::Trigger LeftYgreaterThan (double threshold) const
bool GetLeftStickButton () const
bool GetLeftStickButtonPressed ()
bool GetLeftStickButtonReleased ()
frc2::Trigger LeftStickButton () const
double GetRightX () const
frc2::Trigger RightXLessThan (double threshold) const
frc2::Trigger RightXgreaterThan (double threshold) const
double GetRightY () const
frc2::Trigger RightYLessThan (double threshold) const
frc2::Trigger RightYGearterThan (double threshold) const
bool GetRightStickButton () const
bool GetRightStickButtonPressed ()
bool GetRightStickButtonReleased ()
frc2::Trigger RightStickButton () const
double GetLeftTrigger () const
frc2::Trigger LeftTriggerLessThan (double threshold) const
frc2::Trigger LeftTriggergreaterThan (double threshold) const
double GetRightTrigger () const
frc2::Trigger RightTriggerLessThan (double threshold) const
frc2::Trigger RightTriggerGreaterThan (double threshold) const
bool GetLeftBumper () const
bool GetLeftBumperPressed ()
bool GetLeftBumperReleased ()
frc2::Trigger LeftBumper () const
bool GetRightBumper () const
bool GetRightBumperPressed ()
bool GetRightBumperReleased ()
frc2::Trigger RightBumper () const
bool GetX () const
bool GetXPressed ()
bool GetXReleased ()
frc2::Trigger X () const
bool GetY () const
bool GetYPressed ()
bool GetYReleased ()
frc2::Trigger Y () const
bool GetA () const
bool GetAPressed ()
bool GetAReleased ()
frc2::Trigger A () const
bool GetB () const
bool GetBPressed ()
bool GetBReleased ()
frc2::Trigger B () const
bool GetBackButton () const
bool GetBackButtonPressed ()
bool GetBackButtonReleased ()
frc2::Trigger BackButton () const
bool GetStartButton () const
bool GetStartButtonPressed ()
bool GetStartButtonReleased ()
frc2::Trigger StartButton () const

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